How Pixar’s Characters Drive Their Stories Forward

How Pixar’s Characters Drive Their Stories Forward

Pixar is known for its captivating storytelling and lovable characters. From Woody and Buzz in Toy Story to Dory in Finding Nemo, Pixar’s characters have become iconic. But what makes these characters so memorable and important to the story? How do they drive the plot forward? Let’s take a look at some of Pixar’s most beloved characters and explore how they impact their respective stories.

Woody, Toy Story

Woody, the cowboy leader of Andy’s toys in Toy Story, is a character who is constantly changing and growing. His initial jealousy of Buzz Lightyear, who he perceives as a threat to his position as Andy’s favorite toy, drives the first part of the story. Woody’s attempts to sabotage Buzz end up causing both of them to get lost, leading to a harrowing adventure to find their way back home. Throughout the story, Woody learns to let go of his jealousy and embrace his friendship with Buzz. He becomes a more compassionate and selfless character, willing to sacrifice his own desires for the good of his friends.

Marlin, Finding Nemo

In Finding Nemo, Marlin is a clownfish who is overly-protective of his son, Nemo, after his wife and all their other children are killed by a barracuda. When Nemo is captured by a diver, Marlin goes on a journey across the ocean to find him. Along the way, he meets Dory, a forgetful fish who becomes his unlikely ally. Marlin’s love for Nemo drives the plot forward as he encounters countless obstacles and dangers in his quest to rescue his son. However, Marlin’s protective nature also puts him and his friends in danger. It is only when he learns to trust others, especially his son, that he is able to get Nemo back and reunite with his newfound companions.

Mr. Incredible, The Incredibles

Mr. Incredible, also known as Bob Parr, is a former superhero who has been forced to live a normal life as an insurance claims adjuster. However, his desire to relive his glory days drives him to secretly continue his heroics. When he is offered a chance to become a superhero again, he jumps at it, only to find himself in a trap set by his archenemy, Syndrome. Mr. Incredible’s desire to be a hero and protect his family, along with his stubbornness, causes him to repeatedly put himself in danger. But it is his love for his family, especially his wife and children, that ultimately saves the day and allows him to rethink his selfish desires.

Joy, Inside Out

In Inside Out, Joy is one of the five emotions that live inside Riley’s mind. She is obsessed with keeping Riley happy, but her desire to do so causes her to overlook the other emotions, especially Sadness. When Joy and Sadness are accidentally swept out of Headquarters, they must find their way back to Riley before she becomes too depressed. Throughout the story, Joy learns to accept Sadness and realizes that sometimes it’s okay to be sad. Her love for Riley and her desire to keep her happy drives her to make tough choices and ultimately helps her defeat the antagonist, Bing Bong.

In conclusion, Pixar’s characters are not just there for comedic relief or to be cute and cuddly. They are integral to the plot and their desires, motivations, and flaws drive the story forward. Pixar has a talent for creating characters that audiences can relate to and care about, making their stories even more impactful and memorable.